Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) Technical Program Review - 2022

February 15–17, 2022
Hosted Virtually by: Oak Ridge National Laboratory


NCSP Management Team

Angela Chambers, DOE NNSA (NA-511), NCSP Program Manager
Doug Bowen, ORNL, Execution Manager
John Miller, Sandia, CEdT Manager
Marsha Henley, ORNL, Program Execution Support
Contact the team: ncsp-mgmt [at] (ncsp-mgmt[at]llnl[dot]gov)


DAY 1 — February 15, 2022


Angela Chamber (DOE NNSA) FY22 NCSP Technical Program Review
Doug Bowen (ORNL/NCSP) The DOE/NNSA Nuclear Criticality Safety Program and the Purpose of the Technical Program Review
Mikey Brady (CSSG) The DOE CSSG: 2021 the Year in Review


NCSP Task Manager Invited Site Reports
Joetta Goda (LANL) LANL FY21 NCSP Highlights
Catherine Percher (LLNL) LLNL FY21 NCSP Overview
Sylvia Wright-Reeder (MSTS)  
Doug Bowen (ORNL) ORNL NCSP FY 2021 Budget Summary and Highlights
Yaron Danon (RPI) NCSP Related Nuclear Data Research at RPI, Overview Talk
Gary Harms (SNL) The NCSP at Sandia in FY21
David Erickson (SRS) FY21 CritView Status
Kevin Reynolds (Y-12) GELINA DU-Mo Rotating Target Assembly Fabrication
David Brown (BNL) NCSP Activities at BNL (FY21)


International Collaborations
Matthew Harker (AWE) NCSP – AWE Collaboration
Julie-Fiona Martin Update on activities in the NEA Nuclear Science Committee relevant to the NCSP
Peter Schillebeeckx (JRC/GEEL) Nuclear Data Activities at JRC Geel
Jean-Christophe Trama,
Coralie Carmouze (CEA)
Update of CEA DES Criticality-Safety Activities and Perspectives
Sophie Pignet (IRSN) IRSN Work in Support of NCSP: FY2021 and Plan for Future


FY21 Analytical Methods Technical Presentations
Caleb Mattoon (LLNL) TNSL improvements in FUDGE
Jeremy Conlin (LANL) Nuclear Data Activities Supporting MCNP
Wei Ji (RPI) Adaptive-in-temperature method for fast on-the-fly sampling of thermal neutron scattering data in MCNP6
Nathan Gibson (LANL) Update on Covariance Data Testing Strategy at LANL
Wim Haeck (LANL) NJOY Work in FY21
Mike Rising (LANL) FY21 MCNP Updates for the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
Tim Valentine (ORNL) Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC)
Andrew Holcomb (ORNL) AMPX Developments
William B.J. Marshall (ORNL) Expansion of the Verified, Archived, Library of Inputs and Data (VALID)
Isaac Meyer (ORNL/MIT) Temperature-Dependent Propagation of Resonance Parameter Uncertainty
William Wieselquist (ORNL) SCALE AM2 Accomplishments in FY21


DAY 2 — February 16, 2022


FY21 Analytical Methods Technical Presentations (continued)
Johann Herth (IRSN) Status of the Slide Rule Update - Phase 4 Plutonium Configurations – Delayed Gamma


FY21 Information Preservation And Dissemination Technical Presentations
Mathieu Dupont (ORNL) FY21 Progress of the Oak Ridge Health Physics Research Reactor CAAS Benchmark Evaluation
Scott Finfrock (SRS) CritView Database Expansion


FY21 Integral Experiments Technical Presentations
Jesson Hutchinson (LANL) EUCLID: Experiments Underpinned by Computational Learning for Improvements in Nuclear Data
Joetta Goda (LANL) IER 557: Godiva IV Reproducibility/Characterization
Kelsey Amundson (LANL) IER 537: CERBERUS – Copper Critical Experiment Design
Rob Weldon (LANL) IER 488: MUSiC Accomplishments and Goals
Travis Grove, Theresa Cutler (LANL) Chlorine Worth Study in Support of PF-4 Operations
Cole Kostelac (LANL) IER 517: Molybdenum Critical Experiment Design
Catherine Percher (LLNL) Critical Configurations for IER 480: Thermal Epithermal eXperiments (TEX) Plutonium Experiments to Test New Thermal Scattering Laws
Daniel Siefman (LLNL) IER 501: Pulsed Neutron Die-Away Experiments at LLNL
Jesse Norris (LLNL) IER-297: TEX-HEU Baseline Assemblies Benchmark and Results
Justin Clarity (ORNL) FY21 ORNL Integral Experiment Work
David Ames (SNL) IER-441:  Preparations for 7uPCX Experiments Targeting Epithermal Cross Sections of Tantalum.
Gary Harms (SNL) NCSP Integral Experiments at Sandia in FY21
David Ames (SNL) IER-523:  Feasibility of Experiments Focused on Measuring the Effects of UO2-BeO Material on Critical Configurations using 7uPCX


FY21 Training and Education Technical Presentations
Doug Bowen (ORNL) ORNL NCSP Training and Education Support for FY2021
Shauntay Coleman (LLNL) NCS Pipeline UC Berkeley Course Overview
Norann Calhoun (LANL) University Pipeline (with UNM) for Criticality Safety Professionals


FY21 Nuclear Data Technical Presentations
Gustavo Nobre (BNL) Automating neutron resonances classification with Machine-Learning
Ching-Yen Wu (LLNL) Parallel-Plate Avalanche Counter (PPAC) Fabrication for 240Pu PFNS Measurement
Denise Neudecker,  Amy Lovell (LANL) Modeling and evaluating 239Pu and 235U PFNS and average prompt-neutron multiplicity
Esther Leal Cidoncha,  Aaron Couture (LANL) 233U(n,y) measurements at LANSCE


DAY 3 — February 17, 2022


FY21 Nuclear Data Technical Presentations (continued)
Chris Chapman (ORNL) Resolved Resonance Region Evaluation of n+140,142Ce
Goran Arbanas (ORNL) Advances in Nuclear Data Evaluation Theory for NCSP
Dorothea Wiarda (ORNL) SAMMY Modernization Status
Jesse Brown (ORNL) Bayesian Monte Carlo Evaluation Framework: New Methods for Resonance Parameter Evaluation
Jordan McDonnell(ORNL) Updates to the n+63,65Cu Angular Distributions for Critical Experiments
Klaus Guber (ORNL) ORNL Neutron Cross Section Measurements of 90Zr NCSP ND-1 Task 
Marco Pigni (ORNL) Progress on Fissile Actinides Evaluations: 233, 235U and 239Pu
Chris Chapman (ORNL) Thermal Neutron Scattering Research at ORNL
Jesse Brown (ORNL) Ta-181 Evaluation in the Unresolved Resonance Region
Yaron Danon (RPI) NCSP Related Nuclear Data Research at RPI
Dominik Fritz (RPI) Thermal Neutron Cross Section Measurements at the RPI LINAC
Sukhjinder Singh (RPI) Neutron Capture and Transmission Measurements of 54Fe at the RPI LINAC
Mike Herman, Mark Paris (LANL) Update on 17O evaluation and fast neutron evaluation for 181Ta
Mathieu Dupont (ORNL) Horizontal Split Table Conceptual Design for Validation of Nuclear Data used in Advanced Reactors
Ayman Hawari (NCSU) Accomplishments of Thermal Neutron Scattering Research at North Carolina State University