Focus Area: Training & Education
NCSP “hands-on” courses are FREE to participants with no tuition fee.
CAUTION! When registering for a course please ensure that you are signing up for the course that best meets your needs and experience, by carefully reading the course descriptions below.
Exams will be given at the end of each course, where an 80% grade must be received in order to pass.
The One-week Managers course is designed for fissile material handlers, process supervisors, line managers and regulators with criticality safety responsibilities.
The Two-week Criticality Safety Engineers course is designed to meet the ANSI/ANS-8.26, "Criticality Safety Engineer Training and Qualification Program", requirement for hands-on experimental training.
Additionally, a variety of NCSP videos and training modules are available for self-study. See the "Resources" section below.
Available Courses
2025 Courses
Two-week courses are held in multiple locations. The first week takes place at NFO/NATM. The second week meets at NCERC (participants must have a Q clearance) or SNL (open to all participants).
- Q clearance required
- Q clearance required
Aug 4–15, 2025 | Register Here
Aug 4–15, 2025 | Register Here
As part of the DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program, a series of training modules are provided to assist site training organizations in developing a comprehensive criticality safety training program. These modules are intended to be used in conjunction with other resources such as the NCSP Nuclear Criticality Safety and University courses. The material in these NCSET modules is suitable for introductory level training of criticality safety personnel who either do not have a nuclear engineering background or who need a basic level refresher course.
These training materials have been developed for the criticality safety user community. Feedback from the users is important so that new modules can be designed and current modules improved to maximize their benefit to the largest possible audience. Please send your comments, suggestions, etc. to ncsp-mgmt [at] llnl.gov (ncsp-mgmt[at]llnl[dot]gov).
Module 1: Introductory Nuclear Criticality Physics (PDF)
Module 2: Neutron Interactions (PDF)
Module 3: The Fission Chain Reaction (PDF)
Module 4: Neutron Scattering and Moderation (PDF)
Module 5: Criticality Safety Limits (PDF)
Module 6: Introduction to Diffusion Theory (PDF)
Module 7: Introduction to the Monte Carlo Method (PDF)
Module 8: Hand Calculation Methods - Part I (PDF)
Multimedia Module: Buckling Conversion Method (YouTube 14mins)
Multimedia Module: Surface Density Method
Critical Dimensions of Systems Containing 235U, 239Pu,and 233U (PDF)
Module 9: Hand Calculation Methods - Part 2
Module 10: Criticality Safety in Material Processing Operations - Part 1 (PDF)
Module 11: Criticality Safety in Material Processing Operations - Part 2 (PDF)
Module 12: Preparation of Nuclear Criticality Safety Evaluations (PDF) 8/3/2010
Module 13: Measurement and Development of Cross Section Sets (PDF)
Module 14: A Review of Criticality Accidents by Thomas McLaughlin (YouTube 12/9/1999 1hr 22mins)
Module 15: Fundamentals of Criticality Safety for Non-material Handlers (YouTube training course, 45mins)
Module 16: Burnup Credit for Criticality Safety Analysis of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel (PDF)