1 — A Request Should be Focused
It should identify a single target nuclide (e.g., 241Pu), a single reaction (e.g., n,fission), a well defined energy range (e.g., 0.8 – 10.0 Mev), and an accuracy requirement (e.g., ±5% from 0.8 – 4.0 Mev and ±10% from 4.0 – 10.0 Mev). A vague or generic request (e.g., All reactions for the Pu isotopes to within 1% from thermal to 10 Mev) cannot be addressed.
2 — A Request Should be Justified
The requestor should describe the application area requiring the data and make a case that the existing data are inadequate for this application. Essentially the requestor is describing why the data are needed.
3 — A Request Should Document the Impact
Generally, impact deals with matters such as safety, reliability, and cost. For example, if the requester can make a case that better knowledge of a neutron absorption cross section (to within specified accuracy limits) could lower the cost of transporting spent nuclear fuel by significant amounts, this would qualify as strong support for the request on the basis of cost impact.