Focus Area: Analytical Methods
The Analytical Methods program element provides development and maintenance of state-of-the-art analytical capabilities for the processing of nuclear data from the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) and the radiation transport analysis needed to support Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS) evaluations for subcriticality and shielding.
Processing codes include AMPX (ORNL), FLASSH (NCSU), NJOY (LANL), PREPRO (IAEA) and FUDGE. Radiation transport codes include COG (LLNL), MCNP (LANL) and SCALE (ORNL). Most codes are available through RSICC and the NEA Databank. NJOY2012 is available only under license agreement through the Richard P. Feynman Center for Innovation at LANL.
NCSP also maintains an Analytical Methods Working Group (AMWG) as a forum for exchanging information on use and development of codes and related subjects of interest to the NCSP community. One such project is an update of the Criticality Sliderule.