Destination | Date | Labs | One Sentence Description | Justification |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May-14 | LANL LLNL SNL |
Present/publish NCSP ICSBEP evaluations at annual ICSBEP Technical Meeting (Harms, Heinrichs, Snyderman, Sood) | Conduct ICSBEP for approved Benchmarks and publish annual revision to the Handbook. |
IRMM Mol, Belgium |
Oct-13* Feb-14 May-14 Sep-14 |
ORNL | Perform resonance region nuclear data measurements using the GELINA facility at IRMM (Guber) | Continues cross-section measurements and the production of new cross-section evaluations with covariance data for U.S. |
IRSN Paris, France |
Oct-13 | ORNL | Work with the IRSN to finalize and test 56Fe and 235U resonance region evaluations (Leal) | Continues cross-section measurements and the production of new cross-section evaluations with covariance data for U.S. |
NEA WPNCS Paris, France |
Oct-13 | LANL LLNL |
Participate in annual OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety and various Expert Groups (Kiedrowski, Heinrichs, Scroby) | Continues NCSP leadership in Monte Carlo methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
NEA WPEC Paris, France |
May-14 | LANL | Participate in annual OECD/NEA Working Party for Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) and various subgroups (Kahler) | Continues NCSP leadership in processing codes and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
SNA+MC 2013 Paris, France |
Oct-13 | LANL | Present papers and participate in the Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo (Brown) | Continues NCSP leadership in Monte Carlo methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
PHYSOR 2014 Kyoto, Japan |
Sep-14 | LANL LLNL |
Present papers and participate in the International Conference on Reactor Physics (Kiedrowski, Brown, Hawari) | Continues NCSP leadership in Monte Carlo methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
Moscow, Russia & Paris, France |
Oct-13 | ORNL | Participate in (Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety ) WPNCS EG meeting on uncertainty analysis to present results of Sensitivity/Uncertainty (S/U) benchmark analyses with SCALE followed by participation in SNA+MC to present advancements in SCALE Monte Carlo analysis capabilities (Rearden) | Continues NCSP leadership in S/U analysis methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP S/U analysis capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
Geel, Belgium | Nov-13 | ORNL | Participate in NEMEA-7 nuclear data workshop to represent ORNL/NCSP resonance region nuclear data work and discuss continued differential measurement collaboration with IRMM (Dunn) | Represent ORNL/NCSP nuclear data work and discuss continued ORNL-IRMM nuclear data measurement collaboration to ensure the NCSP will have continued access to the IRMM accelerator for completing NCSP differential measurements as scheduled in the Five Year. |
Tokai, Japan | Dec-13 | ORNL | Participate in WPEC Subgroup 38 to develop a new international ENDF/B nuclear data format (Dunn) | As ENDF/B moves to a new format, all of the NCSP processing and radiation transport capabilities will need to be able to utilize the new ENDF/B data format. The benefit is to ensure NCSP evaluation generation and processing needs are represented. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May-14 | ORNL ORNL RPI |
Participate in WPEC annual meeting to present NCSP/ORNL nuclear data evaluation work on Pu-239, Fe-56, and O-16 and coordinate international collaborations to improve NCSP nuclear data evaluations (Leal, Dunn. Danon) | Exchange of information with international nuclear data community to improve NCSP nuclear data evaluations and cultivate new collaborations to support future NCSP nuclear data evaluation work tasks. Also, includes Interim NDAG Chair participation in WPEC meeting. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Sep-14 | ORNL | Participate in WPNCS EG meeting on uncertainty analysis to present ORNL S/U analysis capabilities and updates on previous benchmarking work tasks (Rearden) | Continues NCSP leadership in S/U analysis methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP S/U analysis capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Oct-13 | LLNL | Participate in the Expert Group meeting on Excursion Analysis and its associated WPNCS governance meeting (Scorby) | Continues NCSP leadership in excursion analysis methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to improve NCSP excursion analysis capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Oct-13 | LLNL | Participate in the Expert Group meeting on Burn-up Credit and its associated WPNCS (and ICSBEP) governance meeting (Heinrichs) | Continues NCSP leadership in Monte Carlo methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
SNA+MC 2013 Paris, France |
Oct-13 | LLNL | Invited participants in the Monte Carlo Codes invited session (Heinrichs, Lee) | Continues NCSP leadership in Monte Carlo methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
ISRD2014 Aix en Provence, France MEETING CANCELLED |
May-14 | LLNL | Present/publish LLNL Experiment results at the International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (Hickman) | Continues NCSP leadership in dosimetry evaluation and processing methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP IE and analysis capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
Sep-14 | LLNL | Present results of hybrid Monte-Carlo and Sn methods, automated verification & validation code and nuclear data testing results, and/or criticality safety research related to Fukushima accident (Walston) | Continues NCSP leadership in V&V methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP ND capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
*Note: ORNL IRMM Trip not taken |