Destination | Date | Labs | One Sentence Description | Justification |
OECD/NEA Paris, France FY20 5YP, Rev. 2 |
Oct 2019 | LANL (6) LLNL (3) SNL (2) |
ICSBEP, IRPhE, and SINBAD Technical Review Meetings (Ames, Amundson, Cutler, Goda, Harms, Heinrichs, Hutchinson, Kim, McKenzie, McSpaden, Percher, Sanchez, Smith, Thompson) |
ICSBEP, IRPhE, and SINBAD Technical Review Meetings. |
CNEA Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Nov 2019 | LLNL (1) | International Conference on Research Reactors (Coleman) (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Premiere conference on research reactors hosted by IAEA. |
Cambridge, UK | Mar/Apr 2020 | LLNL (3) | International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2020 (Heinrichs, Nelson, Percher) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Premiere international conference on reactor physics. |
Chiba, Japan | May 2020 | LLNL (2) | Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo (Kim, Norris) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Premier conference on analytical methods and computing. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May 2020 | LLNL (2) | WPEC Meeting (Heckmaier, Percher) (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Technical meeting of international experts on nuclear data including SG38 (GND) and SG42 (Thermal scattering law) |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Jun 2020 | LLNL (2) | WPNCS Meeting (Percher — VIRTUAL) |
Participate in activities of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety and expert group meetings on MC methods and excursion analyses. |
Aldermaston, United Kingdom | TBD | LLNL (2) | JOWOG29/30 Meetings (Coleman, Zywiec) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Coordinate joint AWE-LLNL work as described in Appendix F of the Five Year Execution Plan. |
Paris, France | TBD | LLNL (2) | Coordinate International Collaboration Efforts with IRSN (Coleman, Percher) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Coordinate joint IRSN-LLNL work as described in Appendix E of the Five Year Execution Plan. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May 2020 | NDAG Chair | Participate in WPEC annual meeting (Zerkle—Report submitted to DOE-NR) |
As NDAG Chair, participate in WPEC. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Oct 2019 | NDAG Chair | ICSBEP and IRPhE Technical Review Meetings (Zerkle—Report submitted to DOE-NR) |
Provide oversight of NCSP IE tasks as ICSBEP tasks are the end product of the NCSP IE process. |
Cambridge, England | Apr 2020 | NDAG | Attend PHYSOR 2020 meeting of the ANS. NCSP task that travel (Zerkle) (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Present paper on thermal neutron scattering. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May 2020 | RPI | Participate in WPEC, and WPEC (Danon—VIRTUAL) |
As US Measurements Chair, participate in WPEC and SG-40 annual meeting to present NCSP/RPI nuclear data measurement work. Participate in SG-?? (thermal scattering meeting) to present NCSP/RPI thermal scattering measurements and analysis. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May 2020 | LANL | Attend annual WPEC meeting and associated Sub-Group meetings (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Contributor to multiple sub-groups-Conlin co-leads SG43; Haeck leads SG45. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
TBD | LANL | The NEA/WPEC Subgroup 38 is developing a modern nuclear database (XML) structure. The light-element
evaluations must be coded in this structure and LANL personnel have been corresponding via email and phone
meetings on the development of appropriate data structures to hold the R-matrix parameters for GNDS (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Contributor to multiple sub-groups-Paris co-leads SG38. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
TBD | LANL | The NEA/WPEC Subgroup 45 is "Validation of Nuclear Data Libraries (VaNDaL) Project." The goal of the
Subgroup is to standardize quality assurance (QA) processes that would lead to reliable, standardized, and
commonly available benchmark suites for the reproducible validation of nuclear data libraries (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Contributor to multiple sub-groups-Herman co-leads SG45. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
TBD | LANL | The NEA/WPEC Subgroup 46 is "Efficient and Effective Use of Integral Experiments for Nuclear Data
Validation." This activity is of particular relevance to the objective to improve future data files using
synergies from different nuclear data projects, while focusing on the requirements for specific new
experimental programs and effectively accounting for users data needs (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Contributor to multiple sub-groups-Herman co-leads SG46. |
Cambridge, England | Apr 2020 | LANL | Attend PHYSOR 2020 meeting of the ANS. NCSP task that travel is performed under: LANL AM2 (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Present NJOY updates and improvements Present research results. |
Vienna, Austria | TBD | LANL | Consultancy meeting at IAEA (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Participate in IAEA consultancy meeting on ACE processing. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Jul 2020 | LANL | OECD Expert Group Meetings for NCSP, collaboration with IRSN on NCS (TRIP NOT TAKEN) |
Participation provides state-of-art information for improving MCNP®, Whisper, and other computational methods that are necessary and heavily used in NCSP work. In addition this allows for direct collaboration with IRSN. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Oct 2019 | ORNL | ICSBEP and IRPhE Technical Review Meetings (Bowen, Marshall) |
Provide oversight of NCSP IE tasks as ICSBEP tasks are the end product of the NCSP IE process. |
Cambridge, England | Apr 2020 | ORNL | Attend PHYSOR 2020 meeting of the ANS. (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Present papers for ANS subcritical limits and progress on GA Tech NCSP tasks. |
IRMM Mol, Belgium |
Nov 2019 Jan 2020 Apr 2020 Jun 2020 Sep 2020 |
ORNL | Perform resonance region nuclear data measurements using GELINA facility at IRMM in accordance with Appendix
B of the Five-Year Plan Nov 2019: (Guber) Jan, Apr, Jun, Sep 2020: (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Continues cross-section measurements to support the production of new crosssection evaluations per the schedule in Appendix B of the Five-Year Plan. |
Aldermaston, United Kingdom | TBD | ORNL | JOWOG29/30 Meetings (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Coordinate NCSP work as described in Appendix F of the Five Year Execution Plan. Bowen invited to participate. |
China | Jun 2020 | ORNL | ISO TC85/SC5 Plenary and WG8 Nuclear Criticality Safety Meetings (Bowen—VIRTUAL) |
Continue to provide US leadership with ISO Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May 2020 | ORNL | Participate in WPEC annual meeting, coordinate international nuclear data collaborations for the NCSP, and
present NCSP/ORNL nuclear data evaluation work (Pigni, Sobes, Wiarda—VIRTUAL) |
Technical meeting of international experts on nuclear data including SG38 (GND), EG-GNDS, SG42 (thermal scatter), SG44 (covariance), SG45 (validation), SG46 (IE for ND evaluation). |
Vienna, Austria | Oct 2019 | ORNL | Participate in IAEA working group meeting to improve nuclear data evaluations to support new evaluations of
interest to the NCSP (Pigni, Sobes) |
IAEA International Nuclear Data Evaluation Network (INDEN), Vienna, 1 week. International nuclear data evaluation collaboration. Represent NCSP and ORNL interests in international nuclear data evaluation. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Nov 2019 | ORNL | WPEC and INDEN meetings (Sobes) |
WPEC and INDEN meetings |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Jul 2020 | ORNL | WPNCS Meetings (Bowen, Clarity, Marshall,Wieselquist—VIRTUAL) |
AM collaboration; provide relationship between IAEA and ISO with respect to NCS standards. |
Paris, France | TBD | ORNL | IRSN Meetings (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
Coordinate joint IRSN-ORNL work per 5YP such as the Pu SlideRule; Collaborate with IRSN on the resonance evaluation of the isotopes of lead for the NCSP. |
Tokyo, Japan FY20 5YP, Rev. 2 |
Sep 2020 | ORNL | 5th International Conference on Nuclear Data Covariances (CANCELLED DUE TO COVID) |
This conference is within the mission of ORNL ND work and aligned with the NCSP Mission and Vision. |