Destination | Date | Labs | One Sentence Description | Justification |
NEA WPNCS Paris, France |
Sep-15 | LANL | Participate in annual OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety and various Expert Groups (Brown) | NCSP Monte Carlo people from LANL & ORNL traditionally participate in these meetings. Benefits V&V, methods, data, etc. Forrest specifically is the founder & participant in the Expert Group for Advanced Monte Carlo Techniques. |
NEA WPEC Paris, France |
May-15 | LANL | Participate in annual OECD/NEA Working Party for Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) and various subgroups (Kahler, Hale, Conlin) | Will include emphasis on CIELO Project and GND Project. CIELO related work includes international evaluation of important isotopes and criticality data testing of new cross sections that will subsequently appear in a next generation ENDF library. GND related work ensures that the needs of NCSP are met by the new nuclear data format and relates to the next generation NJOY code, NJOY21. |
Vienna, Austria | Spring or Summer 2015 |
LANL | IAEA Coordinated Research Project meetings on Radiation Damage and Testing/Validating a new Dosimetry Cross Section Library (Kahler) | (Cost is salary only as the IAEA typically pays participant transportation, lodging and per diem expenses)The Radiation Damage CRP is expected to yield improved/updated NJOY processing methods. The CRP focused on Dosimetry Cross Section Library is expected to yield updated data for selected ENDF/B evaluations. |
AWE Aldermaston, UK |
TBD | LANL | Possible MCNP Criticality safety Class at AWE | Has been discussed previously, but never funded and finalized. Such a class would benefit both LANL and AWE. |
OECD NEA Paris, France |
Present/publish NCSP ICSBEP evaluations at annual ICSBEP Technical Meeting (Harms, Heinrichs, Lee, Miller, Kim) | Present/publish NCSP ICSBEP evaluations at annual ICSBEP Technical Meeting. |
Sep-15 | LLNL | Participate in the Expert Group meeting on Excursion Analysis and its associated WPNCS governance meeting (Scorby) | Continues NCSP leadership in excursion analysis methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to improve NCSP excursion analysis capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
Sep-15 | LLNL | Participate in the Expert Group meeting on Burn-up Credit and its associated WPNCS (and ICSBEP) governance meeting (Heinrichs, Percher) | Continues NCSP leadership in Monte Carlo methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP AM capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
TBD | LLNL | Coordinate International Collaboration Efforts (Heinrichs, Scorby) | Allows LLNL to discuss International Collaboration efforts that must be done in person (i.e., determining material or equipment that needs transporting, etc.). |
May-15 | LLNL | ANSWERS Seminar (Lee, Percher) | Attend the AMEC 2015 ANSWERS Seminar devoted to radiation shielding, reactor physics and nuclear criticality safety software applications, V&V and R&D. |
IRSN Paris, France |
Jun-15 | LLNL | LLNL-IRSN collaboration exchange in the framework of the DOE/IRSN (Carl, Heinrichs, Hickman, Hudson, Scorby, Wong) | Collaborations for the PRINCESS Project (Project for IRSN Neutron physics and Criticality Experimental data Supporting Safety) |
IRMM Mol, Belgium |
Oct-14 Nov-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 |
ORNL | Perform resonance region nuclear data measurements using GELINA facility at IRMM in accordance with Appendix B of the Five Year Plan (Guber) | Continues cross-section measurements and the production of new cross-section evaluations with covariance data for U.S. |
IRSN Paris, France |
Oct-14 Apr-15 |
ORNL | Perform nuclear data evaluation and testing work with IRSN (Leal) | Continues cross-section evaluation and testing work with IRSN to provide new cross-section evaluations with covariance data for U.S. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May-15 | ORNL | Participate in WPEC annual meeting as Chair of ENDF Formats Committee, coordinate international nuclear data collaborations for the NCSP, and present NCSP/ORNL nuclear data evaluation work (Dunn, Leal) | Exchange of information with international nuclear data community to improve NCSP nuclear data evaluations and cultivate new collaborations to support future NCSP nuclear data evaluation work tasks. Also, includes Interim NDAG Chair participation in WPEC meeting. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
Sep-15 | ORNL | Participate in WPNCS (Rearden) | Continues NCSP leadership in S/U analysis methods and fosters continued collaboration with international partners to test and improve NCSP S/U analysis capabilities for supporting criticality safety applications. |
Dresden, Germany | Dec-14 | ORNL | Participate in the WINS nuclear scattering workshop (Leal) | Participate in the WINS nuclear scattering workshop to present NCSP/ORNL nuclear data scattering work for resonance evaluations and thermal moderator data. |
France Argentina |
Oct-14 Jun-15 |
ORNL | Participate in ISO Standards meeting (Bowen). | Participate in ISO Standards meeting (ISO TC85/SC5/WG8) on nuclear criticality safety to ensure US NCSP interests are represented in the international standards development and as succession planning for replacement of Hopper participation (Bowen). |
OECD/NEA Paris, France |
May-15 | RPI | Participate in WPEC annual meeting (Danon) | As US Measurements Chair, participate in WPEC annual meeting to present NCSP/RPI nuclear data measurement work (Danon). |
Dresdan, Germany | Dec-14 | RPI | Participate in the WINS nuclear scattering workshop (Danon) | Participate in the WINS nuclear scattering workshop to present NCSP/RPI thermal scattering work to address thermal moderator data needs for criticality safety applications. |