Destination | Date | Labs | One Sentence Justification |
OECD/NEA ICSBEP Paris, France |
5/2013 | LANL LLNL SNL |
Participate in the annual ICSBEP Technical Meeting (Favorite, Harms, Heinrichs, Hutchinson, Scorby) |
IRMM Mol, Belgium |
11/2012 3/2013 6/2013 9/2013 |
ORNL+ | Perform resonance region nuclear data measurements using the GELINA facility at IRMM (Guber) |
NEA WPEC Paris, France |
5/2013 | ANL LANL ORNL+ RPI |
Participate in annual OECD/NEA Working Party for Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC) meeting and associated working group meetings (Dannon, Dunn, Kahler, Leal, McKnight) |
CEA Provence, France |
4/2013 | ORNL+ | Work with CEA nuclear data evaluation team to complete a new 235U resonance region capture evaluation (Leal)�plan to combine travel with WPEC meeting in 5/2013 in order to reduce airfare cost. |
NEA WPNCS Paris, France |
9/2013 | ANL LLNL ORNL+ |
Participate in OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS) (Heinrichs, McKnight, Parks, Scorby) |
NEA WPNCS Paris, France |
9/2013 | ORNL+ | Participate in WPNCS Expert Group meeting on Uncertainty Analyses for Criticality Safety Assessment (Perfetti) |
NEA WPEC Paris, France |
11/2012 5/2013 |
ORNL+ | Participate in OECD WPEC Subgroup 33 Meeting (McKnight, Perfetti, Rearden) |
+Note: There were no Foreign Trip Report FY13 Milestones for ORNL, there for no trip reports were submitted. |